25. 10. 2018.
Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja Univerziteta u Sarajevu je 25. oktobra 2018. godine uspješno organizovao Prvi Festival Sporta u Sali za inkluziju Fakulteta sporta i tjelesnog odgoja. Prvi Festival sporta je organizovan uz učešće od preko 100 djece i mladih iz raznih organizacija i institucija koje rade sa djecom i mladima sa posebnim potrebama, sa nekom vrstom invaliditeta, i djecom i mladima iz socijalno ugroženih skupina.
Prvi Festival sporta se organizovao u sklopu realizacije Erasmus + sport projekta MATCH, Prilike socijalne inkluzije, a kojeg Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja, Univerziteta u Sarajevu realizuje od 2017. godine, sa ciljem da uspostavi i promoviše sport kao jedinstveni edukativni alat u aktivnostima društvene inkluzije, tačnije da podstakne sve nivoe društva ka prihvatanju drugih i drugačijih.
Imajući u vidu željeni cilj, nastavnici i studenti Fakulteta sporta i tjelesnog odgoja su odlučili da organizuju jednodnevni Festival sporta, u kojem će učestvovati kako djeca sa poteškoćama, posebnim potrebama, invaliditetom i oni iz socijalno ugroženih skupina, tako i ostala djeca te i sami studenti.
Nastavnici Fakulteta sporta i tjelesnog odgoja Univerziteta u Sarajevu su osmislili posebne igrice i sportske aktivnosti, te zajedno sa studentima Fakulteta igrali se i zabavljali. U konačnici, iako je željeni efekat bio izmamiti osmjehe na licima djece, ove aktivnosti su imale za cilj i educirati studente Fakulteta kako i na koji način raditi sa djecom koja pripadaju marginaliziranim skupinama društva.
U plesnom ritmu kluba ritmičko sportske gimnastike Olimpik, u kojem su također učestvovala djeca iz Centra za slijepe i slabovidne, do šarenih poligona posebno pripremljenih za djecu iz PK SPID i Udruženja Kolibri, pa sve do utakmice goalballa u kojem su učestvovali mladi iz Centra za slijepe i slabovidne i studenti Fakulteta, te naposljeku šampioni inkluzije i fudbala iz Škole fudbala Respekt, Prvi Festival sporta je omogućio da se svi skupa igramo i zabavljamo i prihvatimo one pored nas kao naše suigrače. Svako od učesnika današnjeg Festivala sporta je pobjednik, stoga je na kraju svake sportske aktivnosti ispraćaj naših učesnika bio popraćen i dodijelom zlatne medalje.
Ovim putem želimo se zahvaliti organizacijama i institucijama bez čijeg učešća Prvi Festival sporta ne bi mogao biti organizovan, dok će Fakultet sporta i tjelesnog odgoja Univerziteta u Sarajevu nastaviti raditi na istim i sličnim aktivnostima kako bi organizacija Drugog Festivala sporta postigla i veći efekat.
25 OCTOBER 2018
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo has successfully organised the First Festival of Sport which took place on the 25th October 2018 at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education. The First Festival of Sport was organised with the participation of over 100 children and youth from different organisations and institutions which work with children and youth who are disabled, with special needs and those that come from endangered groups.
The First Festival of Sport was organised as one of the activities within the implementation of Erasmus + Sport Project MATCH – Social Inclusion Opportunities, for whose implementation since 2017 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education is responsible. The aim of the project is to establish and promote sport as a unique educational tool within the activities of social inclusion, to be precise, to motivate those coming from all level of society towards acceptance.
Keeping in mind of what is aimed to achieve, the teachers and students of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education have decided to organise a Festival of Sport as a one day event, securing the participation of children with disabilities, special needs, and those coming from endangered groups together with other children and of course students.
The teachers of the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Sarajevo have created special games and sport activities and played and had fun together with the students of the Faculty. The desired result was to lure the smile on every face, but as well to educate students of the Faculty in how to work with children from these specific groups of society.
Guided by the dance rhythm of a gymnastic club Olimpik where children from the Club Olimpik and Centre for Blind and Visually Impaired danced together, followed by colourful playing areas especially prepared for children from Swimming Club SPID and Association Colibri, and a goal ball match where young people from Centre for Blind and Visually impaired demonstrated and played this game together with the students from the Faculty, ending with the inclusion and football champions form the school of football Respekt, the First Festival of Sport enabled everybody to play together and by having fun accept each other as teammates. Every participant was a winner and therefore at the end of each sport activity was awarded with a golden medal.